
Hey guys, welcome to my page! Let’s get acquainted shall we? I’m a mom of two rapidly growing pre-teen girls who keep me laughing and growing ( and at times pulling my hair out).  I’m pretty eclectic in my hobbies. Reading, rain, tea and crafting are among my constants, but I dabble in a lil’ bit of anything that catches my fancy. If you’re like me, you’ve jumped on the DIY bandwagon and now your house is FILLED with all things home-made. I’ve been an avid quilter and crafter for most of my life thanks in large part to my grandmother. Since my girlies are both school age now, I have lots of time on my hands during the day to craft, bake or  read to my hearts content, and I would love to share my learning experiences with all of you! As the title of this blog suggests, life is full of little quirks, but in my opinion, that’s what makes it so much fun!


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