Kitchen Concoctions

Balsamic Chicken & Mushrooms

So my sister saved my butt today when it came to dinner! Once again, I failed at time management and was scrambling at 5:00 for a dinner idea(surprise, surprise…or not really, if you know me). She had saved a recipe from Tip Hero, a page on Facebook that I’m sure you’ve heard of – and… Continue reading Balsamic Chicken & Mushrooms

Kitchen Concoctions

Thai Chicken & Quinoa

O.M.G. You guys! I’ve found it! The absolute BEST Thai dish EVER! AND IT’S SO SIMPLE!!! No crazy ingredients, no complicated cooking methods, just plain old deliciousness!! In case you can’t tell, I’m a tad bit excited. That’s how good this recipe is! PLUS IT’S GLUTEN FREE, which is a necessity for me! I love Thai food, it’s one… Continue reading Thai Chicken & Quinoa