The everyday life of an ordinary Mom

Night Owl

So here we go, my first ever blog post. Woohoo! It’s exciting, and nerve wracking, all at the same time. As all new ventures should be, really, in my opinion. If something doesn’t make you just a wee bit nervous, is it really worth doing?

It’s about half past midnight, and sleep is nowhere in sight for me. That’s nothing unusual, though, seeing as I have always been a night owl. Only after my little ones are tucked in and Aaron is asleep can I really sit and muse about whatever comes to mind without having to compartmentalize my thoughts like I do during the day when I have too many ‘real life’ things crowding around in there. Laundry begging me to fold it, dinner waiting to be made, the kids valiantly (and loudly!) battling their homework at the kitchen table, that stupid dust bunny eyeing me from the corner (that’s probably been there for at least a week, but who’s really looking in the corner, right?) Plus (and I may be a tad bit biased here), who would want to waste time in la la land when the coolest family ever is sitting right in front of them? See what I mean about the biased thing? I promise, though, stick around long enough and you’ll see what I mean! In fact, they’re a huge part of why I’m even doing this blog in the first place! My girls are 7 and 9, and they have inherited my insatiable love of trying all kinds of new things. Cooking, crafting, hiking, you name it, we’re there!

I absolutely love spending time with my family, but I am an introvert at heart, and nighttime is my ‘recharge’ period, in a way. I LOVE curling up on the couch with a quilt, a cup of tea (or glass of wine!), Netflix qued up and probably a book next to me. I surf Pinterest and load up tons of new ideas to try, I meal plan, I catch up on shows I can’t watch during the day (Orange is the New Black! I JUST finished the last season!).  Most of all, though, I just sit and think. There’s truly something about the night that allows me to just unspool all the trails of thought that got tangled during the day and follow them to their conclusion. Maybe I just sound like a nut, but I’m sure there’s a few of you out there who know what I’m talking about! So what about you? Are you a night owl, or a morning bird?

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